MAXX Potential

What is Career Lab?

Exploring tech careers in a work-based learning environment

Career exploration: career lab

Our Career Lab offers a high-quality educational experience, serving as the gateway to our comprehensive pathway from education to earning. We equip participants with the skills, experience, and confidence to thrive in tech. Our programs cater to educators and workforce development professionals seeking impactful career readiness opportunities. MAXX Potential builds a diverse community, including those underrepresented in tech, ready to tackle future workforce challenges and enrich the industry with various perspectives and skills.

What is career lab?

Career Lab is a work-based learning initiative that introduces participants to real-world tech skills through 3 to 30-hour sessions led by industry professionals, either in-person or virtually. The program accommodates up to 25 participants at a time.

What do participants do in career lab?

Attendees engage in interactive discussions and hands-on activities covering various tech topics, such as working with Raspberry Pi, exploring Linux, building web pages, analyzing data, solving cybersecurity challenges, and exploring AI and machine learning.

How are the sessions delivered?

Career Lab sessions are offered in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid format, ensuring Attendees can access valuable learning experiences regardless of location. For longer sessions, a team of presenters and assistants maintain high levels of participant engagement and interaction.

Who can participate in career lab?

The program is designed for groups of up to 25 attendees, making it ideal for classroom settings or small group workshops. It’s especially beneficial for individuals interested in gaining firsthand experience with the technologies that drive today’s digital world.

What happens after career lab?

Individuals who complete a session lasting 12 or more hours have the opportunity to apply to our full-time apprenticeship program upon graduation. This pathway offers a seamless transition from educational learning to hands-on, professional work experience in the tech industry.

Why choose career lab for work-based learning?

Career Lab removes the logistical challenges of integrating work-based learning into educational environments by providing all necessary resources and expertise. Our program ensures participants receive a high-quality, engaging learning experience that ignites curiosity, fosters innovation, and builds foundational skills necessary for success in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, preparing them for future careers in technology.

How do I learn more?

Schedule a free consultation with us to talk about your specific needs