MAXX Potential

Alumni Success Story: Sherlene Eke

SOC Analyst, PRA Group

By MAXX Potential

Sherlene worked as an Apprentice for over a year, gaining valuable on-the-job tech experience before she exited MAXX Potential to work at PRA Group as a SOC Analyst.

What were you doing before MAXX Potential? What drew you to pursue a career in technology?

I was working on gaining experience as a Linux Systems Administrator.

Can you talk about what you’re currently working on? What are some of your job responsibilities?

I’m a part of a team dedicated to detecting, evaluating, and responding to cybersecurity concerns.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your current role?

Knowing that I’m making a difference and seeing the necessity of my role. I’m also so excited about my growth and the possibilities that are open for me.

How do you keep your skills up to date? What’s the best way to learn new concepts, technologies, programming languages, etc.?

I’m constantly challenging myself. I’m fortunate to be part of a team that has access to resources to improve my skills. Also, I have the opportunity to learn hands-on from the engineers.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone early in their IT career or looking to get their start?

It’s not always about instant gratification. Sometimes you have to look ahead and take advantage of opportunities like what MAXX Potential provides.


Interested in becoming or working with a MAXX Apprentice? Attend Career Lab or explore MAXX Business Solutions!


Employers Rate Critical Thinking at 98.5% Importance but New Job Seekers are Rated at 55.8% Readiness By MAXX Potential The rise of Artificial Intelligence has

By Barbara Brutt, MAXX Potential Content Marketer “Research shows that play is critical for adults’ well-being too — but many of us don’t play enough

Alumni Success Story: Sherlene Eke

SOC Analyst, PRA Group

By MAXX Potential

Sherlene worked as an Apprentice for over a year, gaining valuable on-the-job tech experience before she exited MAXX Potential to work at PRA Group as a SOC Analyst.

What were you doing before MAXX Potential? What drew you to pursue a career in technology?

I was working on gaining experience as a Linux Systems Administrator.

Can you talk about what you’re currently working on? What are some of your job responsibilities?

I’m a part of a team dedicated to detecting, evaluating, and responding to cybersecurity concerns.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your current role?

Knowing that I’m making a difference and seeing the necessity of my role. I’m also so excited about my growth and the possibilities that are open for me.

How do you keep your skills up to date? What’s the best way to learn new concepts, technologies, programming languages, etc.?

I’m constantly challenging myself. I’m fortunate to be part of a team that has access to resources to improve my skills. Also, I have the opportunity to learn hands-on from the engineers.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone early in their IT career or looking to get their start?

It’s not always about instant gratification. Sometimes you have to look ahead and take advantage of opportunities like what MAXX Potential provides.


Interested in becoming or working with a MAXX Apprentice? Attend Career Lab or explore MAXX Business Solutions!


Employers Rate Critical Thinking at 98.5% Importance but New Job Seekers are Rated at 55.8% Readiness By MAXX Potential The rise of Artificial Intelligence has

By Barbara Brutt, MAXX Potential Content Marketer “Research shows that play is critical for adults’ well-being too — but many of us don’t play enough