MAXX Potential

''Learn as much as you can from others''- Words from Alumn, Anthony Werner'

Anthony Werner

Anthony Werner

Anthony worked as an Apprentice for three and a half years.

What were you doing before MAXX Potential? What drew you to pursue a career in technology?

I was a Network Operator (0651) in the USMC prior to joining MAXX Potential. There I discovered my passion for IT and technology. This passion has continued my desire to further develop my skills as an IT Professional and to advance my career in technology.

Can you talk about what you’re currently working on? What are some of your job responsibilities?

I am currently in the process of taking the Thycotic Privilege Manager Certification. Once I have passed the certificate, I will be shadowing a team of Thycotic engineers in installing Privilege Manager for a client, then managing the solution once implemented. Some of my responsibilities include taking requests from my project manager for my previous project and implementing them in the client's installation of Thycotic Secret Server. As well as shadowing Thycotic Certified Consultants on their projects to further progress my requirements to becoming a Thycotic Certified Consultant. I am currently in the process of taking the Thycotic Privilege Manager Certification. Once I have passed the certificate, I will be shadowing a team of Thycotic engineers in installing Privilege Manager for a client, then managing the solution once implemented. Some of my responsibilities include taking requests from my project manager for my previous project and implementing them in the client's installation of Thycotic Secret Server. As well as shadowing Thycotic Certified Consultants on their projects to further progress my requirements to becoming a Thycotic Certified Consultant.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your current role?

I would say the most rewarding thing about my current role is learning more about the PAM solution products that I am working with from experienced co-workers. The more I learn, the more I am better equipped to help customers and team members in implementing and maintaining cyber security programs.

How do you keep your skills up to date? What’s the best way to learn new concepts, technologies, programming languages, etc.?

I keep up my skills by spending time outside of work, working on my personal projects. This allows me to practice things that I have learned. My favorite way of learning new technologies is taking details notes then getting hands-on experience (either in a lab or in a dev environment). Finally, by creating documentation so someone else would be able to follow the same steps to accomplish the same task. This re-enforces what I have learned and provides documentation to later review or share.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone early in their IT career or looking to get their start?

The best piece of advice I can provide is to learn as much as you can from others and choose your mentors from those people.


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